Puppetry Project
The Cambridge Wildlife Puppetry Project got its start as a bunch of kids, parents, grandparents, and cardboard creatures in 2012 at the Honk! Parade.
We added the red-winged blackbird, the monarch caterpillar, and several butterflies to our puppet collection!
These new puppets were made by members of the Pathways Program and the Center for Families.
We also held an outdoor puppet-building workshop in Clement Morgan Park in the Port neighborhood.
Our puppets and puppeteers participated in the Cambridge Science Carnival, Fresh Pond Day, and the Cambridge Carnival.
We also ran our first Fly, Buzz, and Honk! event, focused on flying creatures. This first festival was held at the Maynard Ecology Center at Fresh Pond Reservation. We made bat costumes, heard from a bat expert, and made quite a few bird masks.
We marched in the Honk! Festival, in significant rain, with just a few waterproof costumes and puppets.
We kicked off the year by collaborating with the Visual and Performing Arts department of CRLS to provide an animal movement workshop after school to high schoolers, and rounded it off with a professional development workshop for OST (out-of-school time) staff who work directly with kids in the Department of Human Service Program community schools.
In between, we hosted the roamabout at the Cambridge Science Carnival, ran three Kids, Bugs, Art events at the Boston Area City Nature Challenge, made bird masks with students at Haggerty School, participated in the Fresh Pond Day parade, made wildlife trading cards at Danehy Park Family Day, and so much more!
The Cambridge Wildlife Puppetry Project became the Cambridge Wildlife Arts program of Green Cambridge in 2018. Visit the Wildlife Arts page to learn about recent happenings in our arts-based environmental education program.